Women dress up men as women - Sorry chaps, women only dress to impress each other
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Social Science Gender Studies.

So women dress for other women and not men? I keep hearing it over and over.
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Is this some attempt to show dominance like a dumb animal or is there some logic behind it? Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Women dress in competition with women for men's attention.

If women weren't dressing for men, most of them would be wearing yoga pants, a baggy sweatshirt, and have their heads nearly shaved because long hair is "too much work.I'm a man but I don't doubt it for a second.

Think about how many women get sucked into the fashion game and comparing their outfits to other women's.If women were dressing for men they wouldn't wear half the ghastly things they wear and I'm talking specifically about dressing up, not everyday casual clothes.
Either that or they simply don't know what men think looks good on women, which I think is true to some extent as well.Just like men or all male animals compete for the best mate, women in a way do as well.
Most women don't dress for other women per sei, but will admire another woman's clothing and always try to look prettier then the others.
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They're are creating their own individuality.It's a pretty stupid expression.
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We all dress in different ways for different reasons.But of course this varies from person to person.
Women dress up men as women Women dress ideas 2019, clothing brands women's dress hats accessoriesI'm pretty sick and tired of the whole 'women vs.It is called "competition".A few years ago there was a line of make-up that ran a TV ad with the jingle, "Do you want to look pretty? Do you want to make them eat their hearts out?
Women only want male attention because getting the attention of men also makes other women green with envy.That is why they don't like attention from average guys: And any women who claims that she hates male attention is probably lying, or is very stupid.
Obviously they know that men will notice them whenever they go out in a certain outfit, regardless of why they are wearing it.It is almost impossible to get women to admit they ever dress to impress men.

The best I've ever got is "yeah we dress to impress men and for ourselves".I don't know why women feel it's such a weakness to admit they are dressing to catch men's attention when it is so blatantly obvious they are.I think i know what you mean, some women dress for other women to get them jealous, but as for me i dress for me!
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I hear thattoo, and I think it depends on what we're talking about.If I dress in sexy lingerie, it ain't for women.
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Clothes just hide everything every woman has to offer.Do you think men should dress like men and women should dress like women? Why is it that there are more men that dress as women than women who dress as men?
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Do you remember when men were men and women dressed like women? Answer Questions Throughout history men have dominated society.Wonder why more women didn't take a stand and why men needed the control?

Is a man's value solely tied to what he can do for a woman? What can women give men? Why I hate men is because they are selfish, irresponsible, jealous and responsible for a patriarch instead of a matriarch society.?
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