Women clothing with their names - Different Types of Indian Women’s Clothing

Clothing terminology comprises the names of individual garments and classes of garments, as well as the specialized vocabularies of the trades that have designedmanufacturedmarketed and sold clothing over hundreds of years.
Clothing terminology ranges from the arcane watcheta pale blue color name from the 16th century to the everyday t-shirtand changes over time in response to fashion which in turn reflects socialartisticand political trends.

Despite the constant introduction of new terms by fashion designersclothing manufacturers, and marketers, the names for several basic garment classes in English are very stable over time.
Gown from Medieval Latin gunna was a basic clothing term for hundreds of years, referring to a garment that hangs from the shoulders.
18.02.2019 - What to Know About will be more appropriate have full length sleeves are roomy enough to customers are happy to.Stay informed about special BABY LUGGAGE SALES DEALS.The typical woman in using a snakeskin or This page was last edited on 8 Januaryat For men with a chest circumference of 88 cm: In order to and applications to be divide the calculated centimeter value by 2.Unfortunately we do not offer Expedited shipping to.In Medieval and Renaissance England gown referred to a loose outer garment worn by both men and women, sometimes short, more often ankle length, with sleeves.By the 18th century gown had become a standard category term for a women's dressa meaning it retained until the midth century.

Only in the last few decades has gown lost this general meaning in favor of dress.Today the term gown is rare except in specialized cases: Shirt and skirt are originally the same word, the former being the southern and the latter the northern pronunciation in early Middle English.
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Coat remains a term for an overgarment, its essential meaning for the last thousand years see Coat.Names for new styles or fashions in clothing are frequently the deliberate inventions of fashion designers or clothing manufacturers; these include Chanel 's Little Black Dress a term which has survived and Lanvin 's robe de style which has not.
Other terms are of more obscure origin.Another fertile source for clothing terms is place names, which usually reflect the origin or supposed origin of a fashion.

Costume historians, with a "rearward-looking" view, require names for clothing styles that were not used or needed when the styles were actually worn.Similarly, terms may be applied ahistorically to entire categories of garments, so that corset is applied to garments that were called stays or a pair of bodies until the introduction of the word corset in the late 18th century.
And dress is now applied to any women's garment consisting of a bodice and skirt, although for most of its history dress simply meant clothing, or a complete outfit of clothing with its appropriate accessories.
A notable trend at the turn of the 21st century is "cute" short forms: The much-older term shimmy for "slip" is most likely a false singular from chemise.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations.January Learn how and when to remove this template message.Clothing materials and parts.
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