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In the end, I think the Wachowski brothers failed in what they were trying to do with the movie, which is disappointing.The completely computer-generated effects e.

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The fish in the Finding Nemo preview looked more fish-like than the humans in the Matrix Reloaded looked human-like.The technology they used was 1.

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The other disappointing thing was the tone of the movie.The Matrix Reloaded would have worked a lot better as an action movie that took itself a little bit seriously taking a page from the fun X2 flick instead of a drama interspersed with action.

The movie was too weighty and took itself too seriously.What did you think? Post your reviews or a link to your review in the comments.The number of comments in this thread to be precise made it a bit unwieldy for people to read and comment on as discussed hereso I archived the thread as a 1.

You know, I thought very much the same thing as you, and posted as much in my review.Be warned, heavy on the spoilers.My review over there.I thought this movie was much better than the original.

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But after seeing the last and longest trailer some thoughts came.In the first movie human actors always played themselves.Wires and greenscreen of course.Now computers have been used to create some action scenes because their impossible to create with real actors.

Perhaps sticking to simpler tricks and shots and stuff that looks a bit duller but in the end pays off because people feel that this could be really happening as it look well… real.I was somewhat disappointed.

Almost all of the appeal of the first movie was in the special effects.Was it really that bad? Not having seen it yet, my early instincts say that many of the special effects are so good, they simply go unnoticed, and are taken for granted.

And if people are lamenting some poor effects, perhaps there are some issues there that need to be worked out.And K — Neo is not Jesus.Savior does not equal Jesus.There are plenty of other influences which contradict Christian theology in numerous ways.

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The fate and survival of a species? I think the level of humor was adequate considering that.And Smith had some great moments.

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I think the time spent on Link and his family was a waste though, unless he plays a important role in the next movie.Yes please, who was that? The survivor was Bain, who I think was infected by Agent Smith earlier in the movie.

He sort of tried to kill Neo in front of an elevator in Zion he was the guy cutting his hand with a knife.I thought his Hugo Weaving demeanor in that scene was a dead giveaway.I have to say this I thought that the Animatrix was a lot more satisfying http: I highly recommend watching those short films to better understand all the weighty issues the W brothers are trying to develop in the flick.

Sometimes they stumble the goofy dance scene - was that a metaphor for human passions vs.

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Upside down guy was Cypher.It was entertaining, but not great.The hippie-dippie raver scene was only missing a hacky sack in order to perfect its lameness.Along with a terribly unsexy sex scene layered on top of it.

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And the worst thing about the movie was the music.The good stuff was great.The freeway scenes were all exceptional.The freeze-frames during the Burly Brawl did look computer-generated, yes, but so what? Still fun as hell.Even the gratuitous fights, like the one before Neo meets the Oracle, were fun to watch.

Though most of the new characters are forgettable, the keymaker was great fun, and Link was useful in reflecting the audience onscreen.

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I have not yet seen the new movie.How would he be in Zion? Smith in turn infects Neo and endows him with machine-like powers outside of the Matrix.It was Bane or whatever the name of the guy Agent Smith zapped with the chocolate pudding happened to be.

It was the guy who tried to kill Neo after slicing his own hands.Another reason we know is because someone sabotaged those 5 ships with an EMP and it was done deliberately and that someone was obviously meat Smith.

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Did anybody else notice this: In the scene where the Architect is explaining everything, he says that the first Matrix was perfect, but failed, so they constructed another one that takes into account the evil of man or something along those lines.

While he is saying that, images of evil are flashing on the screens behind him… Hitler, piles of skulls… and….There was a lot of cleavage and some of it was not in the chest area….

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The Zion scenes remidned me of the Star Wars pre-quels in a bad way.Pretty damn entertaining though.Zion is reseeded as part of an overall system of control of the humans by the machines.

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From the machines point of view, as explained by The Architect, the Matrix is inherently flawed, meaning that people are going to get out.Rather than let those people organize themselves into a potentially dangerous resistance, the machines provide an escape for them Zion that the machines are in control of.

You have to wonder why they go through all that trouble and instead just invest in better security in their storage areas.I saw it last night and I really enjoyed it.So I keep away from that stuff until after I see the movie.

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Cuts down on disappointment.Some of the new characters were really great…I loved those pale dudes with the dreadlocks, very nice effects with them.Just a thought that crossed my mind while reading the comments… what if Zion is a simulation too?

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What better way to fool humans into believing they have control? I saw the movie last night and I was disappointed by the special effects.

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Even with the consideration that they are fighting in the Matrix, a virutal reality, the fight scenes were sloppy.I understand that serveral cgi firms went bankrupt while working on the film, and it shows.

I wanted to feel like all the working out that Neo did in the first movie paid off, and he was getting better and better.But I could see his face morphing into what looked like an animated version during those fight scenes, and that totally turned me off.

The rave scene was campy with all those stalagtites and stalagmites everywhere.And the old, white, wise man in Zion brought the film down a notch, same with the Link storyline.I needed to feel an urgency re: Otherwise this savior stuff was tedious.

Remind me why I cared? It could be a simulation.Word made flesh and all that.I was dissappointed with the effects.The first movie was amazing because it looked unreal and completely real at the same time.

The CG effects were just not up to it this time.There ARE a lot of spoilers in this comment thread.

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It feels like I took the red pill.The New Yorker had a very long piece about why people might have gotten so much more out of the first one.

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I always thought the first one was just a little silly, if only because the outfits they all chose to wear in the Matrix looked wildly impractical.And the worst part about that is that it was also completely, utterly unnecessary.

If they wanted to give the free humans some background and color, there are tons of better ways to do it.The One is basically their disposal unit.

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I enjoyed the movie greatly.Things people have criticized: Take a deep breath and step back to Go have a real, hard listen to the dialogue.And the fight scenes?

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FYI, there were no 3D models in the man fight scene.