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My boyfriend likes to dress up in women's clothes? My boyfrIend is so wonderful and I love him so so so much but he dresses up in women's clothing and at first it was kinda sexy bu it just kinda piles on more and more.

He wanted to try on a wig and I even bough him some panties and bras and lip gloss and even stockings cause he says it makes him feel sexy.

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But he just wants to do more and more and I even told him how i feel bu it just tore him to shreds so I don't like saying anything.He even showed me he tried tucking in.If I wanted a girlfriend I'd date one what should I do? Are you sure you want to delete this answer?

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Dress him up as a girl and take him out, don't tell you are meeting your friends and some of his, and let them laugh at him.He will never do it again.Either you can put up with it and even get into it or you can't.

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It is not something you can ask him to change.I myself love wearing bikini panties and thongs.

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I also like wearing women's jeans, not skinny jeans, but staight leg and low rise boot cut.I wore the jeans for about two years, then my wife said enough, I looked gay.

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I was super bummed cuz I love wearing women's jeans.She puts up with me wearing panties cuz no one can see that.I am not into bra's and dresses and more girly things.

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But if this is a real turn-off for you, then it is time to move on.Or you can try to set boundaries and set dates to dress up and enjoy it, but not let him do it all the time.E-mail me if you want to talk more.

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You could try to understand him and go along with it.There is a good chance that he will be faithful but still enjoy his fetish.

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If he is not faithful to you, now that's a different story.If you really can't handle it, talk to him.

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But you must understand, this is usually a very strong compulsion that he may not be able to break.Wish you the very best.

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He's secretly gay or bi Confront him about it and ask him.Related Questions Boyfriend likes to dress up in women's clothing? He likes to dress up women's clothes? My boyfriend likes to dress in women's clothing.

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