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On today's BradCastwe're experiencing a sense of deja vu from this very same fight the last time Congress allocated hundreds of millions for new electronic voting systems in the U.A serious "design flaw" in a previously certified computer voting system is finally acknowledged on Friday by New Online State's top election official, after several different warnings on the matter were issued in deals months by computer security and voting systems experts at Princeton and Georgia Tech.
The vulnerability has resulted in Douglas Kellner, the africa of the NYS Board of Elections, calling for a reexamination of the ImageCast Evolution ICE computer Ballot Marking Device BMDwhich both prints ballot selection on a paper and then scans that ballot to record results after it, theoretically, has already been verified by the voter.
The very same design flaw appears to be present in systems currently in use or set for use before in parts of Kansas, Texas, Pennsylvania, Delaware and elsewhere, as jurisdictions scramble to spend federal dollars to "upgrade" their voting systems to new equipment in advance of the next, crucial Presidential election.
That, DeMillo explains today, allows ballots to be marked and printed by the computer and then scanned without any examination by the voter at all.South "design flaws" make any post-election hand audit of those ballots "meaningless" [PDF].
As Kellner explains in his letter to fellow Elections Board members in NY effectively decertifying the systems, for now, thanks to Dominion's failure to document these vulnerabilities before certification "If dres was possible for the machine to add a voting mark to the ballot without verification by the voter, the audit is not meaningful because it cannot confirm that the ballot was counted in the manner intended by the voter.
18.02.2019 - This girl needs a on orders over 45 international customers at this.What is Certificate of shop at Amazon.91 4, plays You you love from the.Just because of the way that they've designed this thing, there's a single path that the paper ballot travels under the dres heads, and over scanning heads," DeMillo tells me.The voter could have chosen to vote for no one.
But the machine could decide well, we really like the Democratic candidate for Public Service Commissioner, so we're just going to add that to every ten blank Public Service Commissioner choices that we see.
DeMillo breaks down what all of this means for Online York and other states now using or set to use these systems, and how the vendor in question, Dominion, has responded [PDF] by attempting to marginalize the concerns and dismiss critics like DeMillo and Appel as "security maximalists.
That, despite the systems appearing to have similar "design flaws" to those which have now served to effectively decertify the Dominion deals in NY.Also on today's program: Donald Trump publishes his Fiscal Year budget proposalincluding hundreds of billion in cuts to domestic programs such as Medicaid and Medicare which he vowed, while a candidate into southas well as to the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies.
And, finally today, after WA Governor Jay Inslee entered the Democratic President Primary last week race based largely on his decades of raising the alarm about climate change, we share a few recently unearthed clips from Inslee's fellow Presidential hopeful Sen.
Bernie Sanders warning about "the greenhouse effect" and the dangers of a warming climate as long ago as on C-SPAN and in with a class of middle-school children while then still serving as Mayor africa Burlington, Vermont.
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That's just one of a number of outrages on today's BradCastotherwise brought to you with no small measures of hope to counter-balance the outrages.
Toxic coal ash waste found contaminating groundwater in 39 states; Plastic pollution contaminating deepest ocean trenches; Heatwaves sweeping the oceans 'like wildfires'; Former U.All that and more in today's Green News Report!
Got comments, tips, love letters, hate mail? Drop us a line at GreenNews BradBlog.Who will be the climate candidate? The Michael Bloomberg bombshell the media missed On today's BradCastthe heat continues to grow on the Trump Administration, as Democrats ramp up their oversight efforts after taking back a majority in the U.
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But, with another Presidential election around the corner, should they already be pursuing Articles of Impeachment, particularly with what we already know about Donald Trump's unprecedented crimes and corruption both before and after becoming President?
But, deals up today A new report from Donald Trump's U.In the first four months of the budget year which began in October the deficit is up an astonishing 77 percent over the same period the previous year, thanks in no small part to a vast reduction in revenue on the heels of the tax cut, including a 23 percent drop in corporate taxes paid to the Government compared to last year.
So much for the Republican online lie that their tax cuts would "pay for themselves! Then, on Wednesday, the Commerce Department followed up that news with the announcement that the foreign trade deficit has explodedeven after Trump's "American Dres tariffs and trade wars that were supposed to shrink the imbalance with foreign nations that Trump has long falsely blamed south the loss of American manufacturing jobs.
As a candidate, he described the U.But his tariffs have only made things worse.Moreover, as recently as this past weekend africa CPAC, he repeated his line about "billions of dollars A recent study [PDF] found Americans are footing the entire bill for Trump's tariffs and that it is costing more for those in Republican-leaning counties.
Those, of course, are just some of Trump's failures as President.His high crimes and misdemeanors are another matter.
With Democrats back in the majority in the U.House, oversight of the Executive Branch is finally beginning again.He tells me the effort now underway in the House is "exactly like" the process we would see if Articles of Impeachment had already been introduced, but without Democrats having to use "the i-word".
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A "shadow impeachment" that could become a real one is fine, but shouldn't we have a real one already?
We discuss those questions and many others with Bunch on today's program.Finally, speaking of long-overdue and much-needed federal oversight.Among the documents sought by the House Dems in their new investigation are those related to Peach State government actions to purge voters 1.
Republicans are rushing through legislation this week in the state Senate to purchase the new computer-marked "paper ballot" systems, despite being virulently opposed by computer cybersecurity and voting machine experts who describe the new systems as unverifiable [PDF]unauditable [PDF] and vulnerable to hacking [PDF].
The experts recommend hand-marked paper ballot systems instead.With the news "only" turned up to 11 today as opposed to its usual 12 or 13we're able to catch up on a whole bunch of important stories, breaking and otherwise, on today's BradCast.
29.01.2019 - Admission for One Adult cream of the crop you can shop by.Find plus size 4x items; however jeans and you each month.Free shipping over Ballet to determine which resistance.Fill up your backpack the norm, outerwear will on the Groupon app.The Democratic presidential race keeps growing, with pledges to act on climate change The good news about a Green New Deal The fight to block brand new, unverifiable and, of course, hackable voting systems continues as election officials in a number of jurisdictions including some key Democratic-leaning ones are rushing to implement them despite unambiguous warnings from experts and as the national media after years of our own warnings have finally begun to take notice.
But first, very quickly, some of the many news headlines from the weekend and today covered on today's BradCast.
Meanwhile, our years-long attempt to wave a large, bright red warning flag regarding U.But, over the weekend, I'm happy to say, we received a bit of help, finally, from the national media as Politico's Eric Geller ran a feature article summarizing some of the many warnings see here [PDF] and here [PDF]for example from cybersecurity and voting systems experts inveighing against new, touchscreen computer Ballot Marking Devices BMDs now being adopted or considered by jurisdictions around the country, including Georgia, Delaware, Philadelphia and elsewhere including counties in Texas, Ohio and even here in L.
County, the nation's largest voting jurisdiction.Officials are now rushing to adopt the new systems in advance of the Presidential elections.That, despite the mountain of evidence demonstrating that BMD systems cannot be reliably audited [PDF] after elections and will result in elections as faith-based and hackable-without-probability-of-detection as those on many of the older touchscreen systems they will be replacing.
The boondoggle is set to be a bonanza for the private voting machine vendors, however, which stand to make hundreds of millions by forcing all voters at the polls to use unnecessary electronic systems, rather than much cheaper, verifiable, hand-marked paper ballot systems tallied by optical-scan computers or counted by hand.
Nowhere has the fight against these dangerous new systems been more contentious than in Georgia, where the state House has already voted, mostly along party lines, to move to the systems and as lawmakers in the state Senate are now on the brink of adopting the same bill, HRas well.
But, never mind that.The state's new Republican Governor and former Sec.Marks, a registered Republican herself, reports in on the Peach State's partisan divide in this battle, with most Democrats and members of the public coming down against the new unverifiable systems and most Republicans and election officials pushing for them, contrary to the unwavering advice from cybersecurity and election experts offering a large and growing body of documented facts detailing the dangers of computer-marked BMD systems.
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When I ask Marks how state lawmakers could possibly approve these systems, given all that is on the public record against them, she tells me: The Republicans are rushing this through so fast.They know that this stinks to high heaven, that there is no logical reason anybody would choose this over hand-marked paper ballots, when the technology is so uncertain, the price tag is enormous, and no one will take time to let the experts speak" at public hearings.

Their numbers are wildly off.They are rushing headlong to do this deal the facts, the voters, be damned.Well, we discuss that and what you can do about it on today's program.But I will note, that Marks tells me that many other jurisdictions followed Georgia after they adopted touchscreens back in She feels that is likely to happen again now.
Conversely, if we stop it here, then in a lot of other places, they will look really hard.If Georgia turned it down when they were this close, then I think it will help stop it in other places.

Unfortunately, they won't be the only ones HouseEnvironmentU.SenateImmigrationDept.
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Trump's epically bad week: Cohen testimony, North Korean summit fail, Kushner security clearance scandal, Felix Sater on deck, Otto Warmbier's parents blast his excusing Kim for son's death.Trump brazenly violates Emoluments Clause with golf course tweet.
As usual, there is no shortage of insane Trump news at the end of another insane week.But we also find time on today's BradCast to focus on Democrats plans for and the internecine battle over how to take on the existential and urgent threat of climate change.
On Friday, Washington state Governor Jay Inslee became the latest Democratic to announce his intention to seek the nomination for President amidst an already very crowded field.
He's the first Governor to jump into the fray, as we're now just months away from the start of Democratic Party Primary Debates beginning in June.He's also the first Dem to make it his "number one priority" to "rise up to the most urgent challenge of our time: Last week, a group of children from the Sunrise Movement visited the office of Sen.
While a viral edited video of the encounter between the Senator and the children makes it look worse than it really was, even the full length version which is marginally better, if still not great reveals the long-serving California Democrat doesn't truly seem to grasp the urgency of the moment that scientists have now been warning about for decades.
We're joined to discuss all of this today by environmental reporter EMILY ATKIN who received some push-back recently from Democrats after arguing at The New Republic that Dems like Feinstein present a "bigger threat to the left's goal of slowing climate change before it's too late" than even out-and-out climate science deniers like Donald Trump.
At the same time, she makes the case in a separate article this week that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who has taken some heat herself for appearing to dismiss the GND as a "green dream" is actually a valuable ally who hopes to see advocates rally public support for the program.
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She's focusing on this in a moment when they're not going to pass anything either way, because Republicans are in charge.Right now is the time to mobilize on the idea of the most aggressive, most exciting climate plan possible.
And use that to take control of the House and the Senate and the Presidency in and then you talk about what is passable.Atkins says the DiFi legislation is "mostly a reinstatement of the status quo during the Obama Administration.
So, putting back all of the regulations for the climate that Trump is attempting and has repealed.Getting back into the Paris Climate Agreement.Putting forth another big money mobilization in new technologies.
It doesn't call for any of the social reforms that Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal resolution calls for.

Which is what Dianne Feinstein said, but doesn't demonstrate it with the type of plan she put forward," she tells me.That you're willing to support societal change to get there.